came back from the CA (Club Alliance) camp ydae.. reached home at abt 730.. it was a real fun camp.. but it's kinda short.. maeb i shd sae tt it's short n sweet? hahas.. it's super fun.. hahas.. serious.. we have v nice gl.. v nice committee taking care of our everything.. food games n stuffs.. on the first dae.. we had our dinner.. and sum interaction.. getting to noe one another.. hahas.. before tt i was hoping tt it's nt gona be the kinda icebreaker games i had in camps which r lk.. i hate dose icebreakers lars... lk name game whacko n stuff.. super boring lars.. but the one i had in ca wasnt as bad.. instead i tink we all had alot of fun.. hahas.. n oso all the forfeits.. hahas.. v funny n sporting pple dere as well... den we had the amazing race.. hahas.. wif lk 15 stations.. we were spilt into 2 grps.. one is the popiah grp hahas... weilun's grp.. n the other is jellytox.. hahas.. esther's grp... which is the grp i'm in! hahhas.. super fun.. esther is a v nice gl i hafta sae.. she alwiz find tins to keep us entertained.. wif all her jokes n stuff.. she was oso given the nick name as airpork.. whahahas.. she's v sporting oso... so we did haf quite alot of fun... looking for our clues... n trying to win the game.. towards the end we were lk running all the way.. we ran frm the convention to lk blk 30 sth.. damn alot of times lors.. is lk to n fro.. hahas.. ya.. it's a gd way to jian fei.. hahas.. sum parts we were kinda scared cox the places were all super dark.. hahas.. after the race although we were nt the first to reach.. but we completed all our stations... hahas..
after super it's time to slp.. but we din lars.. neng hao came over n tok to us.. told us quite alot of his xperience.. he oso told us abt wat he encounter in chinese high.. i was lk.. omg.. all the eerie stuff... scary mans... den we asked him abt wat time we had to wake up.. so he was saying tt he will wake us up at 7 n he will wake up at 5.. hahas.. we toked quite long until jia zhen came in.. act sum of the gers were doin their work.. but we find the guys too noisy.. so we decided to lk pass a msg over to ask tem to slp n keep quiet.. hahas.. den the 'love letter' tin started... we contributed wat we wana write n samantha wrote all dwn.. hahas.. we started to sae lk any cute guys dere... n the guys started promoting temselves.. my god.. michael wong.. n allen but act tese r nt their real names.. hahas.. tey r act charles n alvin... den we were lk we dun wan.. n were lk asking for the nxt representative.. madness.. hahas.. n duno for wat reason.. the guys started toking abt veron n alvin.. i was lk... oh god.. pls~ hahahas... ok.. i'm mean! bleahs.. after passing quite alot.. we were tired n decided to slp.. hahas..
nxt morn the gers woke up quite early bas.. without neng hao calling us.. when we woke up he was still slping lors.. hahas.. stupid.. but nvm... tey r tired lars.. after washing up we went dwn n had breakfast.. wah.. the breakfast was so well prepared mans.. the bread were all spread lors.. n it's nice! hahas.. esther spread all the bread siahs.. n geam ( duno how to spell =X sorry ) seng prepared the campebell soup.. woOo.. we even had tt.. as well as hot milo.. imagine wat time tey had to wake up to prepare all tis.. hahas.. thanks to the F&B pple... but sum of the food we still cant finish so we played zhong ji mi ma.. dose hu kena will haf to finish sum food.. hahas.. so i was kinda unlucky.. n kena lk quite sum times until i was super full.. hahas.. neng hao joined us... but true enuff.. pple hu sit bside him alwiz kena... hahas... so nobody dare to sit beside him.. hahas.. but we had fun lars.. too bad pei din join us.. cox she had her archery lessons.. aftertt we had sum games.. hahas.. the watermelon game.. n others.. so we were all lk having flour on our faces n stuff.. i kena flour on my whole face lors.. n the flour bcum dough n stuck to my teeth.. so i had a hard time cleaning all the flour out... hahas.. we won n were supposed to gif the other team a forfeit.. hahas.. which is lk all the guys haf to pair up wif a ger... guy piggy bag the ger den run for lk 120m.. but the criteria is alvin haf to carry veron.. hahas.. tink it's cox of the previous nite.. but poor veron.. cox i tink alvin din carry properly.. so it's lk.. veron's gona fall anytime.. poor ger.. hahas.. den we had a v gd lunch.. food was nice.. hahas.. n started wif the real dirty games! hahas.. but first we played pool games.. hahas.. captain's ball n a catching game.. hahas.. super fun.. first neng hao got bombarded by mi pei doreen n samantha.. den when we played against the ca seniors.. ryan got bombarded by all the gers... as well.. even got scratched by one of us.. but sumhow i tink louis was worse.. he got lk duno how many lines of scratches.. but all the gers claimed tt we din touched him.. hahahas.. damn jialat lors.. machiam he got abused or sth.. hahas.. den we had lk throwing of water bombs... den we were all dirtied by the seniors wif the oil butter flour.. hahas.. grose.. yet fun.. i was kinda suay... cox i keep kena.. haven play the mud game i allady kena mud by one of the seniors.. hahas... den kena oil by esther.. but most of us did.. the last game was the mud game the one tt i had for LSCT camp.. but tis one the mud was thicker.. so it was more disgusting.. den i was the second one to lie on it.. n kena super alot of mud.. sum by louis i tink n oso the others... make mi filled wif so much mud.. i was lk reli muddy lors.. my clothes all turn entirely brown! so u can imagine how disgusting it is.. but ok lars.. as long as it's fun.. i dun mind getting dirty.. cox we can alwiz bathe after tt.. whahahas..
i reli enjoyed myself during the camp.. hahas.. it's super fun wif all the nice pple frm CA.. CLUB ALLIANCE RAWKS! hahas.. look forward to their nxt event.. thanks to all the seniors too.. for organising the event to bond us together.. cox i made frens too.. hahs.. thankies!! =)
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